Family Entertainment Center For Sale:
5 Things to Look For

Family Entertainment Center For Sale: 5 Things to Look For

Ambitious businesspeople like you know the importance of getting the most for your money when it comes to making a business purchase. Finding a great deal is a good thing, but quality is a component of success you can’t do without. Family entertainment centers (FECs) are seeing a comeback from the COVID-19 pandemic; Allied Market Research’s 2023 report shows the family/indoor entertainment center market’s value was $30.9 billion in 2022 and forecast to reach $88.7 billion by 2032, making now a good time to join the industry. Whether you’re looking for an FEC franchise, like Altitude, or an independent family fun center for sale, there are five criteria you should look for to find an FEC for sale that will give you the best chance for success. 

5 Key FEC Features

  1. Engaging activities – One thing no FEC center can do without is appealing activities: they’re the heart and soul of the business. Make sure any FEC for sale you consider has activities that will appeal to the customers in the local market. It also helps to have enough activities that you can rotate them to keep things fresh and encourage repeat visits to see what’s new (or back). 
  2. An eye-catching theme – Your FEC should have a theme that will grab the customers’ attention and draw in their interest. Make sure it appeals to the interests of your customer base, but don’t be afraid to try something new, either; standing out from the competition can be your ace in the hole. 
  3. Location, location, location – You want your FEC to be visible and accessible. Your activities should be what challenges your customers, not trying to find you. An easy-to-reach address in an area with traffic and other family-oriented businesses nearby will put you right where you need to be to get noticed. 
  4. Reliable Resources – Just about every business needs resources of some kind, whether it’s food to stock concession stands, cleaning supplies to keep the facilities tidy, or replacement equipment to change out parts that break or wear down. Make sure any FEC for sale you consider is in the service area for reliable suppliers to keep your center maintained and up to date. 
  5. A price tag with no sticker shock – Lastly, make sure your FEC doesn’t come at a price that’s going to leave you more debt than you can handle. You may have enough money on hand to buy an FEC without borrowing, but if you do need to take out a loan, a center that’s within your budget will make sure you maximize your profits instead of having to spend all of them on your loan payments. 

FEC Franchising

Opening an FEC shares similarities with opening businesses in other industries; there are quite a few responsibilities that you’ll have to take on if you try to go independent from the start. Opening an independent FEC will give you all the control over how the business is run, but it also means all the responsibilities are yours too, from writing an operation manual to coming up with a brand, and all of this without a ready source of guidance. Buying an FEC franchise like Altitude, however, offers several benefits in return for the royalties and other fees you pay: 
  • An FEC franchise comes with an established brand, bringing brand recognition to help you build your regular customer base. 
  • An FEC franchisor provides support services like large-scale marketing and advertising, as well as advice from experienced industry professionals to help you establish your market presence. 
  • FEC franchises come with proven business models, lowering the risk of failure substantially when compared to trying to create a new model from scratch. 
  • Being a member of a franchise gives you access to the brand’s purchasing power, letting you minimize your expenses with supply vendors and improve your profit margins. 
  • As a franchisee, a lot of the administrative setup has already been done for you. Since you don’t have to work out the bugs from a business model, you’re more likely to see profit growth sooner than you would starting out as an independent business. 

Jump on Your Franchising Opportunity With Altitude

We’re looking for eager, ambitious, passionate entrepreneurs like you who are itching for a good opportunity to start an indoor playground franchise. We have open markets available across the United States, and we’re looking to grow our brand with new team members like you. Fill out a franchise form today to learn more about your franchising opportunity with us at Altitude.